'twas not the Jews, Lord Jesus, who did crucify thee,
who treacherously dragged Thee to the judgment place,
who shamefully despised Thee, spewing in Thy face,
Who bound Thee, beat Thee, and did vilify Thee.
'twas not the soldiers, Lord, whose cruel fists decried Thee,
lifted the mocking reed, the heavy hammer took,
who the accursed tree put up, while dice they shook
to gain the seamless coat which cover was denied Thee.
'tis I, oh Lord, 'tis I who caused Thee all this woe;
I am the weighty tree whose burden brought Thee low;
I am that cutting string which added to Thy terror,
the whip, the nail, the spear which proved that Thou wert dead;
the dripping crown of thorns which mocked Thy blessed head:
for this was done - alas - for all my sin and error.
Rev. Jacobus Revius (1568-1658)
Translated by Johannes DeViet, London, Ontario